Thursday, March 7, 2013


The Bloomberg administration secretly funneled more than $9 million in city property taxes to the Hudson Yards project in Manhattan on top of the $234 million the city already gave to the project, without informing the City Council, the New York Daily News' Juan Gonzalez reports:
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced that the Metropolitan Transportation Authority would be receiving $193.1 million to cover recovery costs from Hurricane Sandy, with $141.6 million going to New York City Transit, the Daily News reports:
 A spokesman for New York City mayoral candidate Adolfo Carrión's campaign defended Carrión's use of a political action committee saying that the cash disbursements were used for expenditures beneath the threshold of what's required for disclosure, the Journal reports:
In the Post, New York City Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley advocates for the hiring of more police officer to help mitigate the growing divide between black and Latino community members and the NYPD:
The Times supports New York City schools offering free breakfast in its classrooms as the best way for students to start their day with a nutritious meal:

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