Thursday, August 1, 2013


Hue-Man Update
August Events
Hope you Missed Us.....
Hey Hue-Man glad to be back....
If you missed us in are was way too hot to think...Hope you all made it through the heat wave and are now convinced that global warming...could be REAL...Anyway, we are back....just a little rest and relaxation was in order....We know our website can take all your orders 24 hours a day so it was okay to sneak out..right? But, check out what we have for August and try a little travelling yourself....change the conversation....and the perspective.  If any of the books in this email excites you, just click the picture..and come see us online or we'll see you at one of our fabulous events soon...


August 8 3-6PM Sylvester Sports Complex: 280 Columbus Ave, Roselle. 
New Jersey Youth Day
Paparazzi Princess: Kyla Jones and Promise Walker.

Money and designer clothes. Fame and red carpet events. Front row concert tickets and expensive parties.

That's the good stuff . . . but being the daughter of a music mogul or a famous rapper isn't easy. Step inside the lives of Kayla Jones and Promise Walker. As the daughters of two legends of rap music, trips, cash, designer labels and famous friends are just business as usual for Kayla and Promise. But so are the high expectations of super-successful parents, the drama of having two-faced friends, the not-always welcome glare of constant media attention and the hurt of nasty gossip. 



August 9, Missouri Black Expo.
Our  Seventh year supporting Literacy at the Expo...
Kelly Price, Joe, Glen Lewis all part of the exciting line-up.
Paparazzi Princesses: Saturday 12 noon....1st 100 young adults get free signed books.

August 10, Missouri Black Expo.
Rick Banks: Is Marriage for White People? Joins Panel on Marriage. 
Dennis Kimbro: Motivational Speaker and best selling Author delivers The Power Within address Sunday at 4 pm...

August 12, Martha's Vineyard
Harry Belafonte. 
Harry Belafonte is not just one of the greatest entertainers of our time; he has led one of the great American lives of the last century. Now, this extraordinary icon tells us the story of that life, giving us its full breadth, letting us share in the struggles, the tragedies, and, most of all, the inspiring triumphs.  Honored as part of the Charles Hamilton Houston events...hosted by Professor Charles Ogletree...

August 14 10:30 AM
Charles Hamilton Houston Institute Annual Martha's Vineyard Forum.
Take 2 Aspirin: Race, Place and Health in the 21 st century

Wednesday, August 14, 2013, 10:30 AM
Martha's Vineyard Performing Arts Center,
Martha's Vineyard Regional High School
Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Rd, Oak Bluffs, MA

This summer our forum will explore issues that arise at the intersection of race and health. In the morning, we will honor several individuals who have served the public as both distinguished health professionals and as advocates for racial and social justice. A fantastic line up of and open to the public...

Find Out More.
Books that should be on your Radar.... 


August Marvaisms...


Most of us are taught to problem solve the same way.  Ask the circular questions: the what, when where, who, how and why.  What we were not taught, is which part of this golden circle (Simon Sinek coined phrase) is most important. In his book, It All Starts With Why link here...Sinek says it turns out that the why is the most important in the idea of leadership, sustainability, humanity and messaging.  In his work he shows us WHY some people and organizations are more innovative, more profitable, command greater loyalties from customers and employees alike and, most importantly, are able to repeat their success over and over. These are not the one hit wonders. These are the ones who change the course of industries or even society.  I agree with him wholeheartedly...Why leads to innovation. 
I would like to take a look at, not the why of the business model, but the social why that drives societies such as ours. 

I don't think any of us will deny that we can see the stagnation in a society that does not ask why...Our beloved country, the most innovative in history, is fast approaching such a society. We have become completely consumer driven.  The results, replication, dogma, control, unbridled power, greed, debauchery and most dangerous of all, complacency of its citizens. Total Stagnation...A friend once gave me a book called LMNOP....quite 1984 Orwellian in it's premise....In this fictional world, all the letters of the alphabet were removed one by one by government and people could only make words using the book....but I think you get my point. Rubbish...that's all those words add up to rubbish and constraints.

The world needs to begin to understand why in a whole different way.  I contend that many of the issues we face these days stem from us not asking why but instead blindly going into the abyss of what power and control dictates. 
The past few weeks I am sure so many of us have asked why...why in the Zimmerman case, why all the chaos that is politics? Why can't big banks share? Why can't citizens be more in control of their personal destinies?  The real question we should be asking is: Why, in fact, have we allowed the 548 people who make up government to take the country to a boiling point on every imaginable issue, jobs, health, finances, immigration, war, poverty, education and so on.  Why all the media debacle...or why is it so easy for Wall Street to dangle the carrots we can't refuse? Special interest?  They have become the fourth branch of government that runs only on the fuel of more...more money, more power, more sin.  Some will argue that it's the nature of, and the by product, of capitalism.  If this is so, then voluntary mind control is an unfortunate byproduct of "progress" Mind control you see, means that Why must die....Can 314 million people be so anesthetized that they fail to understand the power in numbers and the importance of three little letters and a punctuation mark? WHY? 

Asking Why actually comes from brain chemistry.  When something moves or inspires us to take action, it is because Why has been invoked, it has woken from its anesthetized state and demand answers.  When we are inspired someone else's why becomes our why....Imagine the world we would inhabit if we simply asked why....WHY...Why do we hate, why is there poverty, why can't enough just be enough....Why? 

As you can imagine I ask why a much so that as as child I'd ask my father why so many yimes that he'd say because Y comes before Z!  But WHY?




Set to a soulful score of Jazz, R&B, gospel and pop music, SHIDA a new musical, tells the powerful and inspiring true story of one girl's struggle to overcome the odds and achieve her dreams. SHIDA, stars award winning actress Jeannette Bayardelle, who starred in The Color Purple as Celie and won the NAACP Theater Award.  Bayardelle, takes you through Shida's powerful, funny, and inspirational story, portraying multiple different roles. 


SHIDA an Ars Nova Summer Fling at  511 West 54th Street performs from July 19th-August 28th.   Use discount code - SHIDAGEN for $34.50 tickets by calling 866-811-4111 or log onto to purchase.  
WELL YOU know I have to give a shout out to my fellow islanders at NJPAC.   But you need to check out their line up....Superb...
Berres Harmond August 3rd
Shaggy August 8th.

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Hue-Man Bookstore | P.O Box 5541 | NEW YORK | NY | 10027

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