Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fw: Temporary rate Card Delay | Video/Teleconferencing to be Discontinued at TLC SI Office | HOV Restriction in Place

New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission

October 31, 2012

To All Interested Parties:

Industry Notice #12-41

October 31, 2012

For Immediate Release

HOV Restriction in Place

The NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) wishes to notify its licensees that the City of New York has imposed High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) restrictions on all vehicles entering Manhattan via the Williamsburg Bridge, the Brooklyn Bridge, the Manhattan Bridge, the Ed Koch/59th Street Bridge, the RFK/Triborough Bridge and the Henry Hudson Bridge between the hours of 6 a.m. and midnight. During these hours, vehicles must have at least three occupants (driver + at least 2) in order to be allowed to cross into Manhattan. Medallion taxicabs will be exempt from this requirement between the hours of 4 p.m. and midnight.

The MTA will be restoring limited subway service starting tomorrow (November 1). However, there will be no subway service from Brooklyn directly into Manhattan, resulting in substantial numbers of passengers being let off at Jay Street/Borough Hall, Atlantic Center, and at Broadway Junction. Drivers may find passengers at those locations seeking transportation into Manhattan.


Cabs Needed at Grand Central + Penn Stations

In Manhattan, southbound subway service from the Bronx and Northern Manhattan will terminate at Penn Station/34th Street on the West side and 42nd Street/Grand Central Station on the East Side (until MTA service is fully restored). There will be increased demand for taxicabs at the taxi stands at these two locations. We remind you that taxicabs are permitted to accept additional passengers during the MTA outage, and we strongly encourage drivers to exercise the group riding option, as this will result in more passengers being served as well as increased driver revenue. In shared rides, the first passenger(s) is/are on the meter, and additional passengers picked up along the way may negotiate a fare with the driver (TLC recommends $10 per additional person).

Livery cabs (and black cars and limos) may accept street hails until the order is rescinded when substantial subway service has been restored. The fare may be negotiated and must be quoted before the ride commences, and the TLC recommends $15 per trip in Manhattan under 96th Street, or Manhattan above 96th Street, or within another borough; or $25 per trips from one borough to another, or when you cross from one side of 96th Street to the other.

en Español

Noticias para la industria #12-41

31 de octubre, 2012

Para Publicación Inmediata

Restricciones de HOV

La Comisión de Taxis y Limusinas (TLC) desea notificar a sus licenciados que la Ciudad de Nueva York ha impuesto restricciones de vehículos de alta ocupación (HOV) a todos los vehículos entrando a Manhattan mediante el puente Williamsburg, el puente de Brooklyn, el puente de Manhattan, el puente Ed Koch/Calle 59, el puente RFK/Triboro, y el puente Henry Hudson entre las horas de 6 a.m. y 12 a.m. Durante estas horas, vehículos tienen que tener por lo menos tres pasajeros (chofer y dos personas más) para que sean permitidos cruzar hacia Manhattan. Taxis con medallón estarán exentos de este requisito entre las horas de 4 p.m. y 12 a.m. Esperamos mucha demanda para servicio de taxis hacia Manhattan durante las mañanas y dentro de Manhattan a lo largo del día y recomendamos a choferes que operen mañana y viernes.

La MTA restaurara servicios de metro subterráneo empezando mañana (1 de noviembre). Sin embargo, no habrá servicio de metro subterráneo desde Brooklyn directamente hacia Manhattan, resultando en un número substancial de pasajeros siendo dejados en Jay Street/Borough Hall, Atlantic Center, y en Broadway Junction. Choferes podrían encontrar a pasajeros buscando transportación hacia Manhattan en estas localidades.


Taxis Necesitados en Grand Central y Penn Station

En Manhattan, servicio de metro subterráneo en dirección sur del Bronx y Norte Manhattan terminara en Penn Station/Calle 34 en el lado oeste, y la Calle 42/Grand Central Station en el lado este (hasta que el servicio de la MTA sea restaurada). Habrá más demanda para taxis en las paradas de taxis en estas dos localidades. Le recordamos que los taxis están permitidos aceptar a pasajeros adicionales durante el apagón de la MTA, y recomendamos a choferes que ejerciten las opciones de manejar en grupos, ya que esto resultara en más pasajeros siendo servidos al igual que un ingreso aumentado para el chofer. En viajes compartidos, el primer (o los primeros) pasajero paga la tarifa del taxímetro, y pasajeros adicionales recogidos en el camino pueden negociar una tarifa con el chofer (la TLC recomienda $10 por persona adicional).

Taxis sin medallón (y carros negros de lujo y limusinas) pueden aceptar a pasajeros de la calle hasta que la orden este rescindida cuando el servicio de metro subterráneo sustancial sea restaurado. La tarifa puede ser negociada y debe ser citada antes que comience el viaje, y la TLC recomienda $15 por viaje en bajo de la Calle 96 en Manhattan, o arriba de la Calle 96 en Manhattan, o dentro de otro condado; o $25 por viaje de un condado a otro, o cuando cruza de un lado de la Calle 96 al otro.

To All Interested Parties:

Industry Notice #12-40

October 31, 2012

For Immediate Release

Video & Teleconferencing Discontinued
at TLC's Staten Island office effective November 5th, 2012

In April 2009, the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) announced a program providing respondents who had received a summons with the ability to have their hearings heard from the TLC's Staten Island facility. Respondents who availed themselves of this option did not have to appear in person at the TLC's Long Island City or Beaver Street facilities for their hearing.

As a result of the transfer of the TLC Court to the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH), the TLC's Staten Island facility will, effective November 5, 2012, no longer be available for hearings.

Respondents who wish to have their hearings held on Staten Island will need to go to OATH's Taxi Tribunal located at 350 St. Marks Place, Main Floor, Staten Island, NY 10301. OATH's Taxi Tribunal will be open for TLC Respondents from 9AM to 4PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (excluding holidays). OATH's Taxi Tribunal will not be open to the public on Wednesdays.

For additional information you may contact OATH directly at: 718-391-5718

In addition, summons payments will no longer be taken at our Staten Island facility. Summons payments can be made in person at TLC's 33 Beaver Street or Long Island City offices or can be mailed to the TLC at the following address:

NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission
32-02 Queens Boulevard, Third Floor
Long Island City, NY 11101
Attention: Cashier's Office

To All Interested Parties:

Industry Notice #12-39

October 31, 2012

For Immediate Release


The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) wishes to alert all Medallion Owners and Agents that the issuance of the new medallion rate cards with a new expiration date of October 31, 2014 has been temporarily delayed.

No enforcement action will be taken for an expired rate card at this time.

The new rate cards are expected to be delivered shortly and will be distributed by TLC Uniformed Services Bureau (USB) at the Woodside Inspection facility. If you have any questions, please contact the TLC's Call Center at 718-391-5501.


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