Sunday, November 11, 2012

Fw: Macy's: Dump Donald Trump

Below is an email from Angelo Carusone, a MoveOn member who created a petition on, the nonprofit site that allows anyone to start their own online petition. If you have concerns or feedback about this petition, click here.

Dear MoveOn member,

Macy's has a special deal with Donald Trump to sell his clothing line and fragrance. They have also honored Trump with major events at the Macy's Herald Square location, and they sometimes feature Trump in ads in order to celebrate the "magic of Macy's."

For years Donald Trump has engaged in especially unpleasant, nasty, and despicable behavior, including stoking racist conspiracy theories about President Obama's birth certificate. 

Click here to tell Macy's to Dump Donald Trump.

I'll personally deliver the petition to Macy's headquarters before the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade to make sure it gets maximum attention.

Macy's boasts about its social responsibility policy, which reads:

There is no shortage of talk about the obligation of public companies to be socially responsible to the people and communities where they do business. At Macy's, Inc., we hold those same beliefs—along with a belief that actions speak louder than words when it comes to helping tackle some of the toughest problems facing us today.

Indeed, Macy's. Actions speak louder than words. So act now, and dump Trump.

To ask Macy's to do the right thing, I created a petition on to Macy's President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board, Terry Lundgren, which says:

Macy's: Donald Trump does not reflect the "magic of Macy's." We urge you to sever ties with him. Macy's says it has a strong obligation to be "socially responsible" and that "actions speak louder than words." Indeed. It's time to act.

Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.


–Angelo Carusone

This petition was created on, the progressive, nonprofit petition site. is sponsored by MoveOn Civic Action, which is not responsible for the contents of this or other petitions posted on the site. Angelo Carusone didn't pay us to send this email—we never rent or sell the list.

Want to support our work? MoveOn Civic Action is entirely funded by our 7 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.


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