Tuesday, May 15, 2012



* The Mayor's office and the City Council have agreed to split $1.6 million in costs for a new Administrative Prosecution Unit to prosecute police officers accused of misconduct, the Wall Street Journal reports: http://on.wsj.com/LMxzNW

* Police Commissioner Ray Kelly told Staten Island Borough President Guy Molinari he is not going to run for mayor, the Post reports: http://nyp.st/IV9JfT

* The election contest for former State Sen. Carl Kruger's seat between Lew Fidler and David Storobin will go to a manual recount, the New York Times reports: http://nyti.ms/Jg1M4o

* State Sen. Gustavo Rivera's style of governance and frugality form a marked contrast to his predecessor Pedro Espada, Jr., the Times writes: http://nyti.ms/J60Vsv

* Mayor Michael Bloomberg's Administration is opposed to a City Council banking bill that requires banks disclose information about whether they are helping to serve low-income communities, the New York Post writes: http://nyp.st/JDxPhX

* Former AIG CEO Hank Greenberg is asking the New York State Court of Appeals to reconsider whether Attorney General Eric Schneiderman can use Martin Act powers to pursue a civil fraud case against the insurance giant, Reuters reports: http://trib.in/J85vqg

* Public Employees Federation members upset over last year's contract negotiations collected enough petition signatures to get on the ballot for a vote on new leadership, the Times-Union writes: http://bit.ly/L2Ji8n

* Republican Assembly candidate Mark Schimel is expected to announce as early as today that he will not, in fact, run against his estranged wife, Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel, in November elections, the Daily News says: http://nydn.us/JdyTMW

* An environmental advocate named Mark Beavan is running on the Green Party line for Ed Towns' Congressional seat against Charles Barron and Hakeem Jeffries, the Times reports: http://nyti.ms/JWTPCD


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