Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fw: Announcing New Partnership with Art21!



Announcing New Partnership with Art21 to Host Screenings of Art in the Twenty-First Century

El Anatsui, River Crossing, 2007. Aluminum and copper wire; 103 x 141 inches. Courtesy the artist and Jack Shainman Gallery, New York.

We are pleased to announce our partnership with Art21, a nonprofit dedicated to engaging audiences with contemporary visual art, inspiring creative thinking, and educating a new generation about artists working today.

At the dawn of the twenty-first century, American artists are taking self-expression and the artistic process into uncharted territory. Today's artists are engaging the world and their audiences in vital and surprising new ways. They use an enormous variety of media and draw on sources ranging from pop culture and politics to ethnic heritage, classical models and deeply personal life experiences. The artists featured in the series represent a cross-section of contemporary art practices and philosophies, and hail from different regions of the United States. The Studio Museum in Harlem has selected four episodes featuring artists also in the Museum's exhibitions, publications and permanent collection: Kerry James Marshall, Layla Ali, El Anatsui and Glenn Ligon. The episodes featuring these artists embrace diverse concepts to provide a platform for conversation: IDENTITY/POWER/CHANGE/HISTORY.
In collaboration with Art21, The Studio Museum in Harlem will be hosting four screenings during the month of April:

Sunday, April 1 | 3:00 PM
Season 1: Episode: Identity, Kerry James Marshall

Sunday, April 15
| 3:00 PM
Season 3: Episode: Power, Layla Ali

Sunday, April 22
| 3:00 PM
Season 6: Episode: Change, El Anatsui

Sunday, April 29
| 3:00 PM
Season 6: Episode: History, Glenn Ligon

Note: Main Galleries will be closed for installation through Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Studio Museum's main galleries are closed for installation of our spring 2012 exhibitions and projects and will reopen on March 29. Kira Lynn Harris: The Block | Bellona and Who, What, Wear: Selections from the Permanent Collection remain on view on the lower level.

Spring 2012 Exhibitions and Projects Open Thursday, March 29:
featuring Shift: Projects | Perspectives | Directions, Ralph Lemon: 1856
Cessna Road and Harlem Postcards

(L-R):Jennie C. Jones, Song Containers, 2011. Courtesy the artist; Ralph Lemon, Untitled, 2010. Courtesy the artist

NEW YORK, NY, March 12, 2012—This spring, The Studio Museum in Harlem hosts a dynamic group of exhibitions and projects featuring work by over forty artists of African descent. Shift: Projects | Perspectives | Directions will include seven discrete installations of new and historical work, ranging from iconic mid-century work by Romare Bearden and Norman Lewis to brand new work created to celebrate the centennial of Bearden's birth. Ralph Lemon: 1856 Cessna Road documents an artistic collaboration between movement artist Ralph Lemon and Walter Carter, the oldest man in Little Yazoo, Mississippi, while the latest installment of Harlem Postcards offers new perspectives on the iconic neighborhood.

These exhibitions will be on view March 29–May 27, 2012, along with the continuing exhibitions Kira Lynn Harris: The Block | Bellona and Who, What, Wear: Selections from the Permanent Collection.

Click here for more information on spring exhibitions and projects.

Thursday, March 29, 2012
| 7:00 PM
The Artist's Voice: Kira Lynn Harris in Conversation with Lauren Haynes

Kira Lynn Harris: The Block | Bellona (installation view), 2011. Photo: Adam Reich

Please join us for The Artist's Voice featuring Kira Lynn Harris in conversation with Assistant Curator Lauren Haynes. In the current exhibition Kira Lynn Harris: The Block | Bellona, Harris reimagines The Block (1971), Romare Bearden's iconic, six-panel, eighteen-foot-long collage depicting life in Harlem. With The Block as a touchstone, Harris, whose interdisciplinary practice mixes video, photography, drawing, painting and site-specific installation, creates a scene of a contemporary, alternate Harlem.

This program is free with museum admission. RSVPs are required. Seating is limited. Studio Museum members receive priority seating, subject to availability. Click here to RSVP.

Bullseye.jpegTarget Free Sunday, April 8, 2012

Gallery Tour: Shift: Projects | Perspectives | Directions | 1:00 PM
Kids & Family Programs

John Bankston, The Inventor, 2012. Courtesy the artist and Jack Shainman Gallery, New York.

Enjoy an interactive and informative tour of Shift: Projects | Perspectives | Directions. Organized as a group of autonomous installations, Shift presents work in thematic groupings, series of works by individual artists and focused looks at single works of art. Drawn from the Studio Museum's permanent collection as well as special loans, the exhibition provides contemporary reflections on ongoing artistic ideas, themes and visions related to our mission. The tour will have something for everyone: adults, families and kids of all ages are welcome! Click here to RSVP.

Hands On: Everyday Rituals
| 2:00 PM
Kids & Family Programs

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Ralph Lemon, Untitled (detail), 2010. Courtesy the artist.

Join a workshop in which you will cut, paste, tear, and color your own time capsule! Celebrate and record things you do every day, as well as special moments in the year. In this workshop, create a uniquely designed tube that you can decorate and fill with your favorite memories and ideas.
Click here to RSVP.

The Studio Museum Is On Tumblr!
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The Studio in Harlem Tumblr Page (screenshot)

The Studio Museum in Harlem is now on Tumblr! Join in on a visual conversation here! And don't forget to follow!

2012-13 Artist-in-Residence Applications are now available!

Every year, the Museum offers an eleven-month studio residency for three local, national or international emerging artists working in any media. Each artist is granted a free non-living studio space and a stipend. Artists have 24-hour-access to the Museum's third-floor studios and are expected to work in the studio a minimum of twenty hours per week and participate in open studios and public programs. At the end of the residency, an exhibition of the artists' work is presented in the Museum's galleries.

Since 1968, the Studio Museum has earned recognition for its catalytic role in advancing the work of visual artists of African and Latino descent through its Artist-in-Residence program. The program has supported over ninety graduates who have gone on to highly regarded careers.


Click here to apply today!

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The Studio Museum in Harlem
144 West 125th Street
New York, NY 10027

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