KNAPP COUNSEL SAYS RAY KELLY KEEPS NYPD CLEAN: The best defense against systematic police corruption in New York City is strong leadership, and that's exactly what the NYPD has in Commissioner Ray Kelly, the head of the Mayor's Commission to Combat Police Corruption said: NEW THIS MORNING: *Comptroller Tom DiNapoli's office temporarily halted 1,755 contracts sought by various state agencies over the past year, at a time when the Cuomo administration is trying to relax some of his oversight abilities, the Buffalo News writes: * Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver reportedly slipped a "poison pill" into teacher evaluation legislation that is facing a Thursday deadline, in order to derail the bill for his teachers union allies, the New York Post's Fred Dicker writes: * The proposed new legislative lines would likely increase the Republican majority in the Senate and the Democratic majority in the Assembly, the New York World reports: * The number of workers earning minimum wage in New York has increased sharply since the start of the recession, the Wall Street Journal writes: *Public sector unions are pushing for a series of pension sweeteners even as Gov. Andrew Cuomo tries to implement a leaner new pension tier, the Post says: * A new study finds that hospitals routinely flout rules meant to curb aggressive debt collection, the New York Times reports: * Two years after the measure failed, Senate Democrats are reintroducing gun microstampting legislation, which is strongly backed by Senate GOP ally Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the Daily News says: | ||||||

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