Tuesday, February 14, 2012

African-American - News

African-American - News February 14, 2012


Our History Makers: Fredrick Douglass
Our History Makers: Fredrick Douglass (WTLC-AM Indianapolis)
Black history, our history, American history is a complicated matter riddled with facts that make us proud and others that make us cringe.

Stokes: An American Dream (KISU-TV Pocatello)
STOKES: AN AMERICAN DREAM profiles two African-American brothers who changed the course of American politics - Louis and Carl Stokes.

Black ministers leading voter ID effort in Chattanooga (WATE-TV Knoxville)
Joe Rowe is vice president of the Chattanooga-Hamilton County NAACP. He told the Chattanooga Times Free Press that nearly two-dozen ministers from different denominations already are involved.

Afro-American Historical Society files complaint with Attorney General (Delaware Online)
Afro-American Historical Society files complaint w...: Members of the Afro-American Historical Society filed a complaint with the state Attorney General's Office accusing Mayor James M. Baker of wrongly awarding $1 million to the Delaware Historical Society to establish a black heritage center.

I Will Always Love You (Patch)
If I close my eyes, I can hear the music. I can almost feel as if I'm driving up to college in my used 1981 white-and-turquoise Buick Regal, cassette tape blaring, and me singing along at the top of my lungsa€¦ "Ooooh, I wanna dance with somebodya€¦" Circa late '80s, sugar-sweet pop songs and soulful, sweeping love ballads.

The Career and Impact of Whitney Houston: Still "The Greatest Love of All" (Blogcritics)
How does the world comprehend a loss of such magnitude as Whitney Houston? There's no denying that we've lost a multitude of legendary musical talents over the last decade. Somehow, though, losing Whitney Houston feels like the first huge loss of an artist whose music I grew up with.

A photo album rescued from the trash turns out to be a historical treasure
A photo album rescued from the trash turns out to be a historical treasure (LoHud)
With some 770,000 New Yorkers out of work - at least 8 percent of our workforce - the last thing we... It is with both pride and sadness that I am about to deploy again to a combat zone, this time... Fatima Johnson, left, holds a book with her mother, Valoree Nelson, containing World War II-era snapshots of African-Americans that she found in the ... (more)