Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Where Does Our Drinking Water Come From? Part 3 of Your Park Is A Natural Classroom for Kids


Date: January 14, 2012

Environmental educator Robin Sanchez will lead kids on an investigation into the source of New York's delicious and safe drinking water. Kids will consider:

  • Who used water today? How did you use it? Where did it come from?
  • Why was the High Bridge built?
  • What is a watershed?
  • What does it mean to conserve water?

Activities will include discussions, creation of a watershed model, and water color painting.

This is part of the series of six programs for children aged 8 to 12 years. Using a playful approach and the investigative method, kids will learn about their local parks and their flora and fauna. Programs will be presented in Fort Tryon Park, Highbridge Park, and Inwood Hill Park. Kids may attend individual programs or the complete series.

  • January 7 - Eco Investigation - Meet outside the Nature Center in Inwood Hill Park
  • January 8 - Spread The Word! An Urban Park Exploration - Meet at Anne Loftus Playground, Fort Tryon Park
  • January 14 - Where Does Our Drinking Water Come From? - Meet at W. 173 Street & Amsterdam Avenue, Highbridge Park
  • January 21 - Plants' Survival Strategies - Meet at the Nature Center in Inwood Hill Park
  • January 22 - Animal Adaptations - Meet at Margaret Corbin Circle, Fort Tryon Park
  • January 28 - Nature Scavenger Hunt - Meet at Margaret Corbin Circle, Fort Tryon Park

These are outdoor programs so please dress accordingly. In the event of the following weather conditions, the programs will be rescheduled for a later date.

  • More than 3 inches of snow
  • Heavy rain
  • Temperatures less than 20 degrees F

This series of programs was made possible through the generosity of the Greenacre Foundation and the Fort Tryon Park Trust.

Start time: 1:00 pm

End time: 2:30 pm

Contact phone:

Location: Highbridge Recreation Center (in Highbridge Park)

Where Does Our Drinking Water Come From? Part 3 of Your Park Is A Natural Classroom for Kids
Wed, 11 Jan 2012 05:00:06 GMT

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