Some of the more, shall we say, refined residents of the Mount Morris Park Historic District in East Central Harlem were recently mortified when a new wine shop opened up with bulletproof glass and garish neon signage that would make the Whore of Babylon blush. This kind of thing may fly over in Northeast Central Harlem, but this is the MMPHD, people! As the president of the local community improvement association, Syderia Chresfield, told DNAinfo at the time, "It brings down everything we are trying to build up. I don't like to use the word ghetto, but that's what it is." And so, after a lot of hassle, the owner has transformed the ghetto into fabulous. But is he a sitting duck? [ more › ]
Harlem Liquor Store Nervous After Nixing Bulletproof Glass To Placate Gentrifiers
John Del Signore
Wed, 04 Jan 2012 23:30:00 GMT
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