Tuesday, June 14, 2011

African-American - News

African-American - News June 14, 2011

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Farrakhan press conf. On US-sponsored, NATO-led assault on Libya & its consequences, Weds., June 15 (know4life.blogspot)
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, of the Nation of Islam, will hold a press conference, Wednesday, June 15, addressing the U.S.-sponsored, NATO-led bombing of Libya, UN-sanctioned military strikes and operations against the North African nation. The press conference will be held at 11 a.m. EST, in the Landmark View Room of the Millennium UN Plaza Hotel One United Nations Plaza (44th Street between 1st and 2nd) in Manhattan. Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who is on her second fact finding mission to Libya, will address the press conference live from Tripoli on the NATO bombings' impact on civilians. NATO is using huge bunker-buster bombs in Tripoli. Former U.S. Attorney general Ramsey Clark will provide additional insight at the press conference. Also, Viola Plummer, a longtime human rights activist, will participate in the media event.

Black heart patients less often go to top hospitals (WOZZ-FM Appleton)
When older African Americans suffer a heart attack, they are less likely than their white counterparts to go to a hospital that performs potentially life-saving heart procedures, a new study suggests.

Hispanic Population Jumps Ahead of African-American Causing Shift in Influence (Hispanically Speaking)
As the number of Hispanics in the U.S. Continues to grow, the influence the community has is over shadowing that of another minority group, African-Americans. In America's third-largest city, Chicago, the black population dropped 17 percent over the last decade, while the Hispanic population rose by 3.3 percent .

Vancouver (24 Hours)
A U.S. Judge sharply questioned foes of gay marriage Monday in a hearing about whether a ruling by a homosexual judge in favor of same-sex marriage should be thrown out.

Southern Baptists poised for historic election (Connecticut Post)
The man expected to be in the running to become the first African-American in the No.

New York Times appoints African-American managing editor (The Voice)
A 'HISTORIC and sudden shake-up' is taking place at the New York Times after one of the world's most influential newspapers appointed a female journalist and an African-American to its top two positions.

African-American art exhibition at Spartanburg gallery to celebrate Juneteenth (Spartanburg Herald-Journal)
Last Modified: Sunday, June 12, 2011 at 11:14 p.m. Spartanburg is celebrating Juneteenth by holding an exhibit of artwork by famous Southern African-American artists.

Blacks' role in Confederacy remains touchy subject
Blacks' role in Confederacy remains touchy subject (KansasCity)
As America embarks on four years of Civil War commemorations, it revives an unsettling debate that lingers 150 years after the conflict: how to view the role of African Americans in the Confederacy.It arose last year when a Virginia textbook was yanked over protests that it inaccurately claimed thousands of blacks served as Confederate soldiers.

HOAX: McDonald's Official Statement Condemns Racist Sign [UPDATED] (Mashable)
Making the Twitter rounds on a super-sized scale today is this obviously fake sign that's allegedly in a McDonald's restaurant.

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