Harlem - News May 28, 2011
See Harlem Weather
Collecting special: Upcoming sales (Financial Times)
With prices for Chinese ceramics heading for the stratosphere, it is not surprising that Christie's has estimated that a rare and remarkable revolving vase from the 18th-century Qianlong period could realise as much as HK$240m . The piece has been given a dedicated catalogue that highlights both its rarity and the fact that it has been preserved in ...
Allegedly Frisked Attorney Sues Over NY Taxi-Search Policy (ABA Journal)
An attorney allegedly frisked by the New York police under a policy that he says officers use to illegally search taxi passengers under the guise of checking on driver safety has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the city with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union.
Gala NYC Concert (MyFoxNY) Gala NYC is putting on its final concert of the spring preview series on Saturday in Brooklyn.
New York Teacher (Edwize)
Highlights from the May 26 issue of New York Teacher : Thousands rally for a 'city that works for everyone' It was a sight to see as tens of thousands of educators, students, parents, community advocates, other unionized workers and New Yorkers of all stripes flooded lower Manhattan on May 12 to protest budget cuts and layoffs and call for a ...
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